Thursday, September 30, 2010

Giving Children a Say

As a child how often do you feel truly listened to? How important is it for future generations to listen to today's youth? Watch the video of Avora Svitak and decide for yourself.


  1. Listening to Adora Svitak speak is really amazing she is our age and she is able to talk to huge crowds of people. I feel the same way about how kids are not heard enough and how we are just looked through like glass. Children have really good ideas and can change the world but we are just kids to adults, especially being a leader I feel the same way. Some teachers don't even trust us to work on extra things like science fair in a room on our own. Kids are encouraged to take on challenges but the teachers keep lowering the bar.
    I fully agree with what Adora had to say.
    Jordan :)

  2. Jordan what do you think you can do to change things? Do you accept that this is the way it will always be? How can you make your voice heard? Adora is quite a remarkable individual. I think she has probably shown real perseverance in her life and had the support of adults who have high expectations and really believe in her. Are there adults like this in your life?
