Disaster News 2: Process



General Information

I.   Individual Responsibilities: 
            Each student is required to participate and keep notes throughout the process.  Remember your group partners will be evaluating your effort along with their own.  You are required to hand in your notes with your group newsletter.

II.  Group Member Responsibilities:
 Each group shall have a member handling the following jobs:
            1.  "Offical Researcher" who is responsible for making sure that ALL resources are used in this project.
            2.  "Official Organizer and Graphics Coordinator" who is responsible for finding and coordinating graphics and pictures that match the content of the newspaper and is responsible for keeping everything organized throughout the project (research, photos, graphics, etc.) 
             3.   "Team Leader" who is responsible for directing the progress of the group, keeping eveyone on track, keeping a clear record as the group progresses through the project and reviewing the final project.


            A.   Get together with your fellow journalistic team
            B.   Determine who will fill what position on the team.
            C.   Select one disaster to research and write about. (Christchurch Earthquake, Pike River Mine Explosion)
            D.   Create a timeline for doing the project, remembering that the completed newsletter and evaluations are to be handed in by Friday 26th November, 2010.

II.   STEP 2 FOR "Christchurch Earthquake" NEWSLETTER
              Go to the websites listed below and find information to answer the following questions:

1. What is an earthquake and why do they occur?

2. Can earthquakes be predicted? How or why not?   
3. What damage was caused by the Christchurch earthquake? Compare the damage in Christchurch with earthquakes of a similar magnitude elsewhere in the world. Explain reasons for any differences.
4.What can people do to protect themselves and their property? How can people stay safe during an earthquake? 
5. How is the community affected by these situations? Identify the key agencies involved in offering support and describe the roles they play.
Damage from a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in Iran

II.   STEP 2 FOR "Pike River Mine Explosion" NEWSLETTER
 Go to the websites listed below and find information to answer the following questions:

        1.   How is coal mined underground? What are the dangers associated with underground mining?
        2.   Can mining disasters be predicted?  How or why not? 
     3.   How do mining companies manage the risk of these disasters? What role does technology play in reducing the risk?
        4.   Compare the Pike River Mine explosion with the Ralph Mine disaster in Huntly. Explain similarities and differences. 
        5.  How is the community affected by these situations? Identify the key agencies involved in offering support and describe the roles they play.


         A.   Organize all of the information you have gathered from the websites into at least 3 of the following areas:
               1.   What is it and how does it form?
               2.   Can it be predicted?
               3.   Damage and safety information
               4.   Comparison of similar events.
               5.   How does it impact the community?
         B.   Select three of the areas set out above and write a news article for each one.
         C.   Everyone should take part in proofreading, editing and revising the articles. 

Preparing for Publication

    A.  Take a look at a sample newsletter by clicking on "sample" .
     B.   Prepare your project by doing the following:
                        1.  Select a name for your newsletter.  Make it catchy and interesting.
                        2.  Using the articles you drafted in Step Three above, create headlines for your articles.
                        3.  Select pictures and graphics to support and enhance your articles.
     C.   Using the attached format, create your group's newsletter. Click on "format."  Be sure to add in all of the pictures and graphics you have chosen.
     D.   Proofread, edit and revise as necessary.
     E.   Print a copy of your newsletter.

               A.   Gather the following documents
                              1.   A final print of your newsletter.
                              2.  A copy of the notes from every member of the group.
               B.   Hand your work in to Mrs Harris by 3pm Friday 26th November, 2010.