Disaster News 3: Evaluation


Each member of your team is required to complete an individual evaluation sheet. Please ensure you collect one from Mrs Harris and hand it in together with your notes and published newsletter.

This is how your work will be evaluated.

Needs Improvement
Almost Meets Expectations
Meets Expectations
Spelling & Proofreading  (0 points)
5 or more spelling and gramatical errors in the newsletter  
(5 points)
Has 3 - 5 spelling or gramatical errors in the newsletter.
(10 points)
Has 0 - 3 spelling and  grammatical errors in the newsletter
(15 points)
Has no spelling or grammatical errors in the newsletter

Writing: Organization(0 points)
Less than half of the sections of the newsletter have a clear beginning, middle and end. 
(5 points)
Most sections of the newsletter have a clear beginning, middle and end.
(10 points)
Almost all sections of the newsletter have a clear beginning, middle and end.
(15 points)
Each section in the newsletter has a clear beginning, middle and end.

Content & Accuracy(0 points)
Fewer than 80% of the facts in the newsletter are accurate
(5 points)
80 - 89% of the facts in the newsletter are accurate
(10 points)
90-99% of the facts in the newsletter are accurate.
(15 points)
100% of the facts in the newsletter are accurate

Attractiveness & Organization(0 points)
The newsletter has no format or organization.
(5 points)
The information in the newsletter is organized , but it has little design to it.
(10 points)
The newsletter has attractive formating and is well organized.
(15 points)
The newsletter is exceptionally formated, attractive and well organized.

Graphics & Pictures(0 points)
There are no graphics or pictures, or the pictures and graphics do not match the accompanying text.
(5 points)
Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and they are not positioned well.
(10 points)
Graphics go well with the text, but there are too many and they distract from the text.
(15 points)
Graphics and pictures go well with the text and there is a good balance between graphics/pictures and the text.

Knowledge Gained(0 points)
Student appeared to have little knowledge of the information contained in the articles presented in the newsletter.
(10 points)
Student can accurately discuss some of the articles in the  newsletter.
(15 points)
Student can accurately discuss most articles in the newsletter and offer personal opinions.
(20 points)
Student can accurately discuss all articles in the newsletter and justify personal opinions on the material.

Individual Effort in the Group
(based on self-evaluation report)

(0 points)
Individual clearly did not contribute to the project.
(25 points)
2 members believe you did not fully contribute to project.
(75 points)
1 member believes you did not fully contribute to the project.
(100 points)
All members agree you contributed fully to the project.