Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Christchurch Earthquake

The recent major earthquake in Christchuch has caused major disruption to hundreds of people. The media has reported on the disaster throughout the week. Give some thought to the accuracy of this reporting. How are reporters obtaining their information and how accurate is it?

There are many articles to read. Do they all report the same information? Are reporters getting their facts straight? Analyse why discrepancies exist. How does this affect the reader?

This is a link to today's news in the NZ Herald. There are more links below to news reports from around the world. Select two articles and analyse them for inaccuracies and discrepancies. Comment on your findings.

Yahoo news
cnn news
BBC news


  1. yahoo news reports a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in christchurch where cnn news reorts a 7.0 earhtquake.also yahoo news reports the quake 6.1 miles in depth and cnn news reports the depth to be 7.1 miles deep.

  2. I am analyzing Yahoo news and CNN. They both report no one was killed. CNN say the quake had a magnitude of 7.0 but Yahoo say the quake was 7.1. I think CNN is right because the statement was backed up with a geological survey while the Yahoo news had no evidence of the 7.1 magnitude, also the CNN report was written one day later than the Yahoo report so it may have been more accurate because they would have more recent news than Yahoo does.

  3. Yahoo news reported that the earthquake was 7.1 on the richter scale, and BBC news said 7.0.The quake was 7.5 miles deep, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, Yahooo news reported 6.1 miles deep, and cnn said it was 7.1 miles deep.
    By Devin @(-_-)@

  4. I read the BBC news report and the Yahoo report and the BBC stated that the earthquake was 7.0 magnitude but the Yahoo News said that the earthquake was a 7.1.
    The reason for the difference was that the US Geological Survey reported that the earthquake was 7.0 but the but the GNS Science (New Zealand)reported the earthquake as a 7.1.

  5. Yahoo news reports a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch where Cnn news reports a 7.0 earhtquake. Also Yahoo news reports the quake 6.1 miles in depth and Cnn news reports the depth to be 7.1 miles deep.

  6. inconsistency:
    On Fri Sep 3, 6:09 pm ET Yahoo news reported there was an eathquake in Christchurch with a reading of 7.0 magnitude on the Richterscale but BBC news reported on 4 September 2010 that there was an earthquake in Christchurch with a reading of 7.1 magnitude on the Richterscale,the inconsistency in that was one group saying it was 7.1 and the other group saying it was 7.0.Another form of inconsistency was Yahoo! news reporting about the epicentre 20 km (12 miles) west of Christchurch, but BBC reported about the same epicentre but said it was 20 km (13 miles) west of Christchurch.The inconsistency was one group saying it was 12 miles and the other group saying it was 13 miles.

  7. Inconsistencies and inaccuracies between two texts.
    I have compared an article from the NZ Herald and an article from BBC news.

    NZ Herald (Earthquake aftershocks distrub Christchurch)says: 100,000 homes were damaged on saturday, 7.1 magnitude earthquake.

    BBC news: (Aftershocks rattle Christchurch after New Zealand quake) says: More than 500 homes have been damaged, 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

    There are several possibilities for these differences, one might be that the BBC report was written on the 4th of September. However the NZ Herald was updated on the 7th of September.

    I also believe the Herald when it says that it had a magnitude of 7.1. Even though I couldn't find who supplied the magnitude information, on the news it has said many different times on different channels that the magnitude was 7.1

  8. I read CNN and Yahoo articles.
    I found false information in Yahoo.
    Yahoo stated that there was a 7.1 magnitued but CNN stated that there was a 7.0 magnitued

  9. Inconsistancies and inaccuracies:
    NZ Herald said that 100,000 homes have been damaged on saturday by the 7.1 magnitude earthquake and the aftershocks when the BBC news article says that only 500 buildings were damaged by a 7.0 earthquake which is big difference.
    But for the BBC news was a bit off because it hasn't been updated since Saturday while the NZ Herald was updated today and has had longer to properly research.

  10. inconsistency:
    On Fri Sep 3, 6:09 pm ET Yahoo news reported there was an eathquake in Christchurch with a reading of 7.0 magnitude on the Richterscale but BBC news reported on 4 September 2010 that there was an earthquake in Christchurch with a reading of 7.1 magnitude on the Richterscale,the inconsistency in that was one group saying it was 7.1 and the other group saying it was 7.0.Another form of inconsistency was Yahoo! news reporting about the epicentre 20 km (12 miles) west of Christchurch, but BBC reported about the same epicentre but said it was 20 km (13 miles) west of Christchurch.The inconsistency was one group saying it was 12 miles and the other group saying it was 13 miles.
