Thursday, September 30, 2010

Giving Children a Say

As a child how often do you feel truly listened to? How important is it for future generations to listen to today's youth? Watch the video of Avora Svitak and decide for yourself.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kimihia Chess Kids

Congratulations to the Kimihia Chess Team who came second in the regional chess tournament yesterday at Huntly College. There, seven students competed against schools from Huntly, Hamilton and from as far afield as Helensville. Throughout the day each student played seven games of chess from which wins, losses and draws were recorded. At the end of the day the Helensville Team were declared the winners, with Kimihia  second and Huntly College third. This placing entitles Kimihia to send a team of five to the National Chess Finals to be held at Pigeon Mountain Primary School,  Bucklands Beach, Auckland, on Monday 18 October. Well done team!
Play chess on line or find out more about Chess Kids NZ

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

With the term almost at an end, and two weeks of holidays to fill, you could  head to the movies to see Jerry Bruckheimer's, The Sorcerer's Apprentice - an innovative and epic comedy adventure about a sorcerer and his hapless apprentice who are swept into the center of an ancient conflict between good and evil. This Walt Disney Studio production is due to be released in New Zealand on the 16th of September in time for the holiday break.. The movie has had mixed reviews, two of which can be accessed throught he links below:
The ViewLondon Review
The Sun Review UK
Read the two reviews, identify the discrepancies and analyse why these discrepancies may have occurred.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Christchurch Earthquake

The recent major earthquake in Christchuch has caused major disruption to hundreds of people. The media has reported on the disaster throughout the week. Give some thought to the accuracy of this reporting. How are reporters obtaining their information and how accurate is it?

There are many articles to read. Do they all report the same information? Are reporters getting their facts straight? Analyse why discrepancies exist. How does this affect the reader?

This is a link to today's news in the NZ Herald. There are more links below to news reports from around the world. Select two articles and analyse them for inaccuracies and discrepancies. Comment on your findings.

Yahoo news
cnn news
BBC news