Friday, August 20, 2010

Waikato Science Fair

Huge congratulations to Ryan, Alasdaire and Corbin who were all awarded places in the Waikato Science Fair. Ryan and Alasdaire won 1st place in Exhibit Class:3 Year 7-8 Physical World for their Speedy Shapes exhibit which tested the aerodynamics of various profiles for truck cabs.

Corbin won 3rd place in Exhibit Class:15 Inventions and Technical Innovations (Open age group) for his Doggone Fast quick release dog lead. This innovation on a conventional lead enabled a dog to be released much more quickly by avoiding the need to bend down and undo the lead from the collar around the dog's neck.
What a fantastic effort boys. It is exciting to think we have budding scientists and inventors in our midst.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked both these science fair projects and Ryan and Alistair did really well.
    I really liked Corbins project, he did really well creating a dog lead that is easy and fast and I think this would be really easy for the police or drug dogs to use. I tried it myself and I was really easy and effective.
