Monday, August 23, 2010

Team Vs Individual Sports

Here is our first topic for discussion...

What do you think? Is it better to play a sport as a team or an individual? Why? You can argue either way but remember to back up your statements with examples and evidence.


  1. I think it is better to play as a team because when you play as a team you can rely on people and they can rely on you, when you play as a team you need to have a bond through out the team members!

  2. Hello Mum
    I think it is best to do a team sport because you can learn to get on with other people and practice team building skills. In a single sport you rely on things going your way, although you are very competitive, which is a good thing, this could lead to becoming mean and bossy. Also, when you do decide to join a team you won't be prepared. You can make heaps of new friendships in a team, so I think team sports are best!
