Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Solar Energy and How it Affects You!

Today the five students who were successful in the School Science Fair, visited Genesis Energy for a day of investigation into power generation and solar power. With a finite amount of thermal energy resources available to us, more and more work is being done to investigate viable renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, wave, hydro, geothermal and tidal. With a focus on solar energy we investigated the efficiency of photovoltaic cells and discussed practical applications of solar energy. It's amazing to see the scope for this free, non-polluting, widely available resource - our SUN! Below is a video discussing how solar energy can be harnessed to light the way for people currently reliant on kerosene lamps.

What next? How might these changes impact on the jobs we do in the future?

Many thanks to Schoolgen for this opportunity. You may like to have a look at what Schoolgen are up to within New Zealand and Australia. To find out more visit Schoolgen Website

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Team Vs Individual Sports

A couple of you have had a go at persuading me to agree with your opinion but so far I'm not convinced. Have a look at these links and see if you can argue your case more strongly. Read both sides of the argument. Both articles make valid points. Which do you agree with most strongly? If you haven't yet posted a comment see if you can write a more persuasive argument than the others.
Benefits of playing a team sport
Benefits of playing an individual sport

...and next time it's your turn to do the research!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Team Vs Individual Sports

Here is our first topic for discussion...

What do you think? Is it better to play a sport as a team or an individual? Why? You can argue either way but remember to back up your statements with examples and evidence.

Have Your Say...

This term we are looking at persuasive writing and endeavouring to convince others that our own opinions are the right opinions! This is a chance for us to have our say on School, National or even International issues or events! When you state your opinion remember to back it up with good reasoning and even some evidence or research which supports your case.

If you have any good ideas for topics that would make a good discussion point for us then please leave me a comment here!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Waikato Science Fair

Huge congratulations to Ryan, Alasdaire and Corbin who were all awarded places in the Waikato Science Fair. Ryan and Alasdaire won 1st place in Exhibit Class:3 Year 7-8 Physical World for their Speedy Shapes exhibit which tested the aerodynamics of various profiles for truck cabs.

Corbin won 3rd place in Exhibit Class:15 Inventions and Technical Innovations (Open age group) for his Doggone Fast quick release dog lead. This innovation on a conventional lead enabled a dog to be released much more quickly by avoiding the need to bend down and undo the lead from the collar around the dog's neck.
What a fantastic effort boys. It is exciting to think we have budding scientists and inventors in our midst.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

WFPA Speech Competition

Congratulations and well done to the three students took part in the Waikato Full Primary Association Speech Competition this evening. You all did brilliantly to once again stand up and deliver your speeches confidently and convincingly, this time in front of complete strangers! The other competitors were of a very high calibre and it was an excellent experience to see just what great public speaking is about. Over the next week take some time to reflect on your own speech and what you can learn from those who did well this evening.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Senior Speech Finals

Today the Senior Speech finals were held at school. Well done to all who took part. You showed great courage standing before your peers, teachers and parents and delivered your speeches confidently. Congratulations to Ryan and Sonya for gaining first place in your levels. The two Year 8 and two Year 7 speakers will be going on to the Waikato Full Primary Speech Competition so don't stop practising!

Waikato Science Fair

Tomorrow fourteen students are heading to Hamilton to participate in the Waikato Science Fair competing with students from all around the Waikato. You have worked hard for this so enjoy the day. Make sure you converse with the judges and answer their questions fully and enthusiastically. Have a good look around the hall at other entries, note any you think stand out and consider why they have grabbed your attention or kept you interested. You may be able to pick up some hints or ideas for your 2011 project. Remember you need to be at school by 8am.Good luck.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

WaiMath Quiz Night

Well done to our two WaiMaths teams. You all did well tonight and now we know what to expect for next year. Hopefully the judge's answers will all be correct next year and not so much time will be spent trying to work out the first question! Never mind, we can improve our test technique as well as our problem solving speed. These are things to reflect on and improve! You all represented Kimihia brilliantly, as usual.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

On line Assessment

Today we had our first taste of on-line assessment. After a few false starts we completed an assessment of your reading skills, not to mention your initial skills at completing a test on-line! It was impressive that a report was available the instant the test was completed and a great  resource to identify individual learning pathways. Look at your report over the next week and we will discuss what it means for you and your learning the next time we get together. Think about what you can do to achieve the next steps.

School Science Fair

We held our school science fair on July 30 and while it was a difficult decision for our judges the winners were....
1st Place Wipe It Right by Emma
2nd Place Chocolate Wars by Courtney and Courtney
3rd Place Speedy Shapes by Ryan and Alasdaire

Monday, August 9, 2010


For the first time ever Kimihia School has entered two teams in the WaiMaths Quiz Competition. This is a regional competition where teams of three Year 7 or 8 students compete to answer a variety of Maths questions. Having never competed before we are unsure of what to expect, but we are sure it will be fun. Check the time and location details at the top of our blog.